The third course of the EU project Cowork4EU took place in Paris in the summer term 2024

In the third edition of the Master's seminar "International Coworking and Entrepreneurial Management", which is part of the Erasmus+ project Cowork4EU, students from TU Dortmund University, the Paris School of Business, the Prague University of Economics and Business and the Private University of Seeburg Castle developed business models for coworking spaces at universities.
During the course's presence days, the teams met in the coworking space "Agora" at the Paris School of Business in France. The students were supported by a lump sum provided by the EU. At Agora, the students worked in international teams to develop concepts for coworking spaces for students and academics using the Business Model Canvas. The students focused in particular on the well-being and wellbeing of coworkers and how coworking spaces can create a pleasant and inclusive working environment that promotes productive and meaningful work. Their concepts were presented to an international jury consisting of professors from the partner universities in the form of a business pitch.
Are you interested in being part of the seminar next semester? This time the students from the partner universities are coming to Dortmund! The application phase for the course starts in June. If you have any questions, please contact Jonah Weißwange.