Here you will find an overview of selected published articles that have been created at our chair. Further publications of the individual researchers can be found on the team pages of the respective web profiles.
- Graf-Vlachy, L., Hensellek, S., & Haack, P. (in press). Multi-CEOs: A legitimacy perspective on executives leading multiple firms. Academy of Management Discoveries.
- Kleine-Stegemann, L., Hensellek, S., Senyard, J., Jung, P. B., & Kollmann, T. (2024). Are Bricoleurs More Satisfied? How Bricolage Affects Entrepreneur Job Satisfaction Among Experienced Versus Novice Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management, 62(3), 1347–1384.
- Bendig, D., Hensellek, S., & Schulte, J. (2024). Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(1), 35-70.
- Hensellek, S., Weißwange, J., de Groot, J., & Oers, N. (2024). The digital nomad lifecycle: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to start, maintain, and abandon digital nomadism. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2024 Proceedings.
- Bendig, D., Hensellek, S., & Schulte, J. (2023). Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
- Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Kollmann, T. (2023). Entrepreneurial leadership, strategic flexibility, and venture performance: Does founders' span of control matter? Journal of Business Research, 157(113544).
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Jung, P. B., & de Cruppe, K. (2023). How bricoleurs go international: a European cross-country study considering the moderating role of governmental entrepreneurship support programs. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(3), 1126-1159.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Niemand, T., Hensellek, S., & de Cruppe, K. (2021). A configurational approach to entrepreneurial orientation and cooperation explaining product/service innovation in digital vs. non-digital startups. Journal of Business Research, 125, 508–519.
- Hensellek, S., Puchala, N. (2021). The Emergence of the Digital Nomad: A Review and Analysis of the Opportunities and Risks of Digital Nomadism. In: Orel, M., Dvouletý, O., Ratten, V. (Eds.), The Flexible Workplace. Human Resource Management. Springer, Cham.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S. (2020): E-Business-Generator - Aufbau elektronischer Geschäftsmodelle in der Digitalen Wirtschaft. Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Stöckmann, C., Kensbock, J. M., & Peschl, A. (2020). How management teams foster the transactive memory system–entrepreneurial orientation link: A domino effect model of positive team processes. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(4), 683–710.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., de Cruppe, K., & Sirges, A. (2020). Toward a renaissance of cooperatives fostered by Blockchain on electronic marketplaces: a theory-driven case study approach. Electronic Markets, 30(2), 273–284.
- Hensellek, S. (2020). Digital Leadership. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 1–15.
- Hensellek, S. (2019). Challenge Accepted! How Individuals, Teams and Organizations Master the Entrepreneurial Challenge—A Multi-Level Approach Investigating Antecedents and Outcomes of the Entrepreneurship Phenomenon in Contemporary Business Environments (Dissertation, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Hensellek, S. (2019). Digital Leadership - Ein Rahmenwerk zur erfolgreichen Führung im digitalen Zeitalter. In Kollmann, T. (Ed.), Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Jung, P. B. (2019). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2019.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Jung, P. B., & Sirges, A. (2019). NRW Startup Monitor 2019.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Jung, P. B. (2018). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., de Cruppe, K., & Jung, P. B. (2018). Berlin Startup Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., de Cruppe, K., Hensellek, S., & Kleine-Stegemann, L. (2018). Female Founders Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2017). KPI-Steuerung von Start-ups der Digitalen Wirtschaft - Das 4K-Modell als prozessorientiertes Steuerungsinstrument. CONTROLLING - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 29(2), 47-54.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2017). Die Basisarchitektur digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. Leukert, B. & Gläß, R. (Eds.), Handel 4.0: Die Digitalisierung des Handels. Strategien, Technologien, Transformation (pp. 59-73). Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2017). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2017.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2016). The E-Business Model Generator. In Lee, I. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management. IGI Global.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2016). European Startup Monitor 2016.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2016). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2016.