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- Graf-Vlachy, L., Hensellek, S., & Haack, P. (in press). Multi-CEOs: A legitimacy perspective on executives leading multiple firms. Academy of Management Discoveries.
- Kleine-Stegemann, L., Hensellek, S., Senyard, J., Jung, P. B., & Kollmann, T. (2024). Are Bricoleurs More Satisfied? How Bricolage Affects Entrepreneur Job Satisfaction Among Experienced Versus Novice Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management, 62(3), 1347–1384.
- Bendig, D., Hensellek, S., & Schulte, J. (2024). Beneficial, Harmful, or Both? Effects of Corporate Venture Capital and Alliance Activity on Product Recalls. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(1), 35-70.
- Hensellek, S., Weißwange, J., de Groot, J., & Oers, N. (2024). The digital nomad lifecycle: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to start, maintain, and abandon digital nomadism. European Conference of Information Systems (ECIS) 2024 Proceedings.
- Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Kollmann, T. (2023). Entrepreneurial leadership, strategic flexibility, and venture performance: Does founders' span of control matter? Journal of Business Research, 157(113544).
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Jung, P. B., & de Cruppe, K. (2023). How bricoleurs go international: a European cross-country study considering the moderating role of governmental entrepreneurship support programs. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 48(3), 1126-1159.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Niemand, T., Hensellek, S., & de Cruppe, K. (2021). A configurational approach to entrepreneurial orientation and cooperation explaining product/service innovation in digital vs. non-digital startups. Journal of Business Research, 125, 508–519.
- Hensellek, S., Puchala, N. (2021). The Emergence of the Digital Nomad: A Review and Analysis of the Opportunities and Risks of Digital Nomadism. In Orel, M., Dvouletý, O., Ratten, V. (Eds.), The Flexible Workplace. Human Resource Management. Springer, Cham.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S. (2020): E-Business-Generator - Aufbau elektronischer Geschäftsmodelle in der Digitalen Wirtschaft. Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Stöckmann, C., Kensbock, J. M., & Peschl, A. (2020). How management teams foster the transactive memory system–entrepreneurial orientation link: A domino effect model of positive team processes. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14(4), 683–710.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., de Cruppe, K., & Sirges, A. (2020). Toward a renaissance of cooperatives fostered by Blockchain on electronic marketplaces: a theory-driven case study approach. Electronic Markets, 30(2), 273–284.
- Hensellek, S. (2020). Digital Leadership. Journal of Media Management and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 1–15.
- Hensellek, S. (2019). Challenge Accepted! How Individuals, Teams and Organizations Master the Entrepreneurial Challenge—A Multi-Level Approach Investigating Antecedents and Outcomes of the Entrepreneurship Phenomenon in Contemporary Business Environments (Dissertation, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
- Hensellek, S. (2019). Digital Leadership - Ein Rahmenwerk zur erfolgreichen Führung im digitalen Zeitalter. In Kollmann, T. (Ed.), Handbuch Digitale Wirtschaft. Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Jung, P. B. (2019). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2019.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Jung, P. B., & Sirges, A. (2019). NRW Startup Monitor 2019.
- Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Kleine-Stegemann, L., & Jung, P. B. (2018). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., de Cruppe, K., & Jung, P. B. (2018). Berlin Startup Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., de Cruppe, K., Hensellek, S., & Kleine-Stegemann, L. (2018). Female Founders Monitor 2018.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2017). KPI-Steuerung von Start-ups der Digitalen Wirtschaft - Das 4K-Modell als prozessorientiertes Steuerungsinstrument. CONTROLLING - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 29(2), 47-54.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2017). Die Basisarchitektur digitaler Geschäftsmodelle. In Leukert, B. & Gläß, R. (Eds.), Handel 4.0: Die Digitalisierung des Handels. Strategien, Technologien, Transformation, 59-73. Springer.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2017). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2017.
- Kollmann, T. & Hensellek, S. (2016). The E-Business Model Generator. In Lee, I. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Commerce Development, Implementation, and Management. IGI Global.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2016). European Startup Monitor 2016.
- Kollmann, T., Stöckmann, C., Hensellek, S., & Kensbock, J. M. (2016). Deutscher Startup Monitor 2016.