Finalization and Results of the Erasmus+ Project Cowork4EU

After three transformative years, we are pleased to have successfully finished the Erasmus+ project "Cowork4EU: Coworking Best Practices for European Universities". During this period, we have made significant progress in the promotion, research and dissemination of coworking spaces at universities.
The project brought together TU Dortmund University with three partner universities from the Czech Republic (Prague University of Economics and Business), Austria (Seeburg Castle Private University) and France (Paris School of Business).
One of the most important results of our project is the publication of the 122-page best practice report "Coworking Best Practices for European Universities:
Insights from Academic Coworking Spaces", which describes the status quo of university coworking in Europe in detail. This report is available free of charge for academics, coworking space managers and all interested parties:
We have also successfully developed the EACN - a pioneering initiative to connect university coworking spaces across Europe like an eduroam for coworking! The EACN gives students and researchers free access to coworking spaces at partner universities via a digital booking platform. The platform also provides an overview of numerous university coworking spaces in Europe. You can access the EACN here:
As part of four courses offered during the project, 142 students from the four project partner universities learned about the advantages of working in university coworking spaces and overcame challenges as part of international hybrid teams. Their innovative concepts for ideal university coworking spaces illustrate how such spaces can increase student motivation and promote innovative thinking.
We would like to thank everyone for their contribution to this fantastic journey-especially our fantastic project team: Simon Hensellek, Jonah Weißwange, Marko Orel, Lukas Valek, Sandra Diller, Magdalena Weber and Ignasi Capdevila!
The project results will be published on the Erasmus+ project platform in the near future and will be accessible free of charge.