Publication in the Journal of Small Business Management

In their study, Simon Hensellek and his co-authors, Lucas Kleine-Stegemann, Julienne Senyard, Philipp Benedikt Jung, and Tobias Kollmann examined how entrepreneurial bricolage behavior affects the job satisfaction of founders and what role prior startup experience plays in this relationship. Data from 675 German startup founders and 283 self-employed people from the U.S. were analyzed. The study shows that bricolage has a positive effect on job satisfaction for both experienced and novice entrepreneurs. Interestingly, however, only individuals with prior startup experience can additionally achieve even higher satisfaction via a better work-life balance.
These findings provide important insights into how founders can increase their resilience and mental health despite the numerous challenges of everyday startup life.
The Journal of Small Business Management (JSBM) is ranked "B" according to the VHB Ranking JOURQUAL 3. The Clarivate Journal Citation Report's international 2-Year Impact Factor is 6.881.
Kleine-Stegemann, L., Hensellek, S., Senyard, J., Jung, P. B., & Kollmann, T. (2022): Are bricoleurs more satisfied? How bricolage affects entrepreneur job satisfaction among experienced versus novice entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Management.