Publication on the effect of governmental support programs on startup internationalization
In the paper published in the Journal of Technology Transfer, the team investigates the moderating effect of public entrepreneurship funding programs on the interplay between bricolage, innovativeness and internationalization of startups in Europe.
The research team used data from 681 European startups from the European Startup Monitor and analyzed the data using a regression-based bootstrap method. The results show interesting correlations between bricolage, innovation, internationalization and the moderating influence of public startup funding programs.
Based on the results, the researchers show that bricolage has a decisive influence on entrepreneurial innovation and thus positively influences the internationalization of startups. While government funding programs did not show a significant impact on the relationship between bricolage and innovativeness, the authors found a positive effect of funding programs on the relationship between startups' innovativeness and internationalization.
According to the Clarivate Journal Citation Report 2020, the Journal of Technology Transfer (JOTT) has a 2-Year Impact Factor of 5.783 and is listed in category B in the VHB ranking.
The article is published Open Access thanks to the financial support of TU Dortmund University and is therefore available for free download:
Kollmann, T., Hensellek, S., Jung, P. B., & de Cruppe, K. (2022): How Bricoleurs Go International: A European Cross-Country Study Considering the Moderating Role of Governmental Entrepreneurship Support Programs. In: Journal of Technology Transfer. DOI: