Guest lecture on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

Among other things, the GEM Country Report Germany 2021/22 contains the following exciting insights:
- The startup rate in Germany is highest among 25-35 year olds (10%).
- Digital skills favor business startups, with the startup rate of people with digital skills (12.2%) twice as high as the startup rate of people without digital skills (6.1%).
- In percentage terms, migrants (13.8%) found companies more than twice as often as non-migrants (6.6%).
About the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor:
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor is the world's only data source that provides a spatial and temporal comparison of startup rates across many countries on all continents. Since 1999, data on startup activity and startup attitudes have been collected annually in more than 50 countries. As part of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, start-ups in Germany are investigated by the RKW Competence Center in cooperation with Leibniz University Hannover.
The GEM Country Report Germany 2021/22 is available for download at The accompanying infographics volume is available at